Friday, October 25, 2013

Sektor 304 Interview

Terrorizer featured band of the day is the awesome Sektor 304.

- CR

Playlist 10/25/13

Lots of 2013 stuff this night.

Aderlating - Opening of the Tomb (Gospel of the Burning Idols)
303 Committee - Aeons (Nine Angles)
Triangular Ascension - Howling Earth (The Chronos Anomaly)
Shapednoise - As Others See Us (The Day of Revenge)
Pharmakon - Crawling on Bruised Knees (Abandon)
Outer Gods - The Shades of Eternity's Chamber (Anno Metuo)
Kevin Drumm - Dimming the Gas Lights (Tannenbaum)
The Haxan Cloak - Miste (Excavation)
Hair Police - The Scent (Mercurial Rites)
Ensemble Pearl - Painting on a Corpse (Ensemble Pearl)
Daniel Menche - Marriage of Metals 1 (Marriage of Metals)
Lustmord - Abaddon (The Word as Power)
Nahvalr - Objectivity (Nahvalr)

- CR

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Playlist 10/18/13

Deathprod - Dead People's Things (Morals and Dogma)
Scott Walker - Jesse (The Drift)
Propergol - Hand in the Furnace (Program Vengeance)
Gruntsplatter - Experiments in Circumventing Evolution (The Aberrant Laboratory)
The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud - II (A New Soldier Follows the Path of a New King)
Wraiths - Bone-Flutes and Skull-Drums (Plaguebearer)
Akira Yamaoka - Betrayal (Silent Hill 2 OST)
The Axis of Perdition - Entangled in Mannequin Limbs (Deleted Scenes from the Transition Hospital)
Rome - The Colony (Highveld) (Hate Us and See If We Mind)
Khlyst - V (Chaos Is My Name)
Yellow Tears - Nectars of the Passion (The Pissmop)
Nortt - Vanhellig (Ligfaerd)
Menace Ruine - Not Only a Break in the Clouds but a Permanent Clearing of the Sky (Union of Irreconcilables)

- CR

Wednesday, October 16, 2013