Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Playlist 6/23/14

Album Play of the Week:
Coil - Moon's Milk (In Four Phases)
20.SV - Disfigured Children.Radioactive Generation (Acid Vomit.Human Genocide)
Deathspell Omega - The Repellant Scars of Abandon and Election (Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum)

- CR

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Playlist 6/16/14

Album Play of the Week:
Mitochondrion - Archaeaeon
Ulver - Silence Teaches You How to Sing (Teachings in Silence)
Borbetomagus - Ohne Fleisch Loaf (Zurich)
Skin Area - Void (Rothko Field)
Runhild Gammelsaeter - Incubation (Amplicon)
The Axis of Perdition - One Day You Will Understand Why (Deleted Scenes from the Transition Hospital)

- CR

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Playlist 6/9/14

Album Play of the Week:
Kevin Drumm - Sheer Hellish Miasma
Indian - Rape (From All Purity)
Nurse With Wound - Soliloquy for Lilith IV (Soliloquy for Lilith)
Empire Auriga - Dreaming of Breath and Stars (Auriga Dying)
Swans - Weakling (Filth)
Lustmord - Eon (The Dark Places of the Earth)
Deiphago - Satan Alpha Omega (Satan Alpha Omega)

- CR

Playlist 6/2/14

Dead Air is back! With a new time, Mondays 10pm-midnight EST. And a new format: one full LP play + individual tracks by various artists. May diversify somewhat stylistically, but identity remains the same.

Album Play of the Week:
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
Black Swan - Rapture (Tone Poetry)
Mondkopf - The Stars Are Falling (Hades)
Coffinworm - Sympathectomy (IV.I.VIII)
Ben Frost - No Sorrowing (A U R O R A)
Impetuous Ritual - Despair (Unholy Congregation of Hypocritical Ambivalence)
Aeoga - Telemorphic Cuts (Temple Treye)

- CR