Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Playlist 6/30/14

Album Play of the Week:
Deathprod - Morals and Dogma
Wolf Eyes - Black Vomit (Burned Mind)
Rome - Our Holy Rue (Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit)
Dolorian - In the Locus of Bone (Voidwards)
Prurient - Apple Tree Victim (Pleasure Ground)
In Slaughter Natives - Beauty and Bleeding (Enter Now the World)
Aderlating - Soul Harvest (Dying of the Light)
Sunn O))) & Boris - Fried Eagle Mind (Altar)
The Meads of Asphodel - On Graven Images I Glide Beyond the Monstrous Gates of Pandemonium to Face the Baptized Warriors of Yahweh in the Skull Littered Plain of Esdraelon (Exhuming the Grave of Yeshua)

- CR